Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Podcasts, IM and Downloadable books

I have listened to podcasts and they're great if, say, there is a regular feature on a radio station that you enjoy listening to but aren't near a radio when it airs. One example is "Lin's Bin" on WXRT. It airs Monday and Friday mornings at 7:15 and, while I'm not always around a radio to hear it live, I can get the podcast whenever I have time. Just a few minutes of fun.

I kind of missed the IM boat. It seems as if most people started doing it in college or with their college-aged children as a way of keeping in touch. I do that now with texting on my phone, as do my kids. I would like to see us start using it at work throughout the building; it might be a quicker way of communication.

We used to have downloadable books at the library and, from what I hear, we will be carrying them again soon. This time, they will be iPod compatible, which they weren't before. I can't wait for that, and I'm sure our patrons can't, either! I have listened to books on CD in the car and now that I have an iPod dock in my car, I know I would really take advantage of downloadables.

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